Data Vendors

Data Providers offer a wide range of data types through APIs, data dumps, or remote access. These providers cater to a broad category of healthcare-related data including claims data, de-identified patient data, provider directory information, and contract pricing data.
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Claims Data
Claims Data Vendors collect and anonymize healthcare claims data from various sources and sell this data to healthcare providers, payers, researchers, and other stakeholders. To be included in this category, vendors must demonstrate the ability to collect comprehensive claims data from multiple sources and ensure that the data is thoroughly anonymized to protect patient privacy. Additionally, these vendors must maintain data quality and accuracy, comply with relevant healthcare data regulations and standards, and may optionally offer advanced analytics services to provide deeper insights from the data.
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Clinical Datasets
Clinical Datasets comprise anonymized patient data, medical images, lab results, and pharmaceutical and drug details, providing comprehensive information for healthcare-specific machine learning models, research, and other tools.
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Price Transparency Data
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Price Transparency Data includes datasets for provider-payer contracted rates both at the individual and aggregate level for use in contracts negotiation and benchmarking, plan comparison, provider recruitment, and consumer care navigation. To be included in this category, vendors must provide detailed datasets that cover a wide range of services and procedures. Vendors must ensure that the data is up-to-date and compliant with relevant healthcare regulations and standards. Optional features may include advanced analytics and reporting tools to further enhance the usability and insights derived from the data.
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Provider Data
Provider Data encompasses comprehensive information about healthcare providers, including their network affiliations, addresses and contact information, specialties, and other relevant details. To be included in this category, vendors must offer datasets that provide detailed and accurate information on healthcare providers, such as provider network status, physical and mailing addresses, contact details, specialties, credentials, and other pertinent information. The data must be regularly updated to ensure accuracy and compliance with relevant healthcare regulations and standards. Optional features may include tools for advanced search, filtering, and analytics to enhance the utility of the provider data.
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