Elion Reports
August 15, 2024

State of AI in RCM 2024

Patrick Wingo's headshot
Patrick Wingo
Head of Research, Elion

Hype vs. Reality: Is AI in RCM everything it’s cracked up to be?

The U.S. healthcare system is undergoing a transformative shift as AI is being applied to nearly every aspect of administration and clinical care. Within the context of revenue cycle management (RCM), AI-driven solutions claim to streamline eligibility verification, automate claims processing, enhance coding accuracy, and improve patient payment collections.

But, can vendors deliver on these promises today?

In the 29-page report we cover:

  • Vendor Landscape Analysis: Demystify the complex vendor landscape, gaining clarity on the current state of AI technology and our predictions for future use cases.

  • Front-Line Perspectives: Gain an inside perspective on the effectiveness and adoption of various solutions, based on our conversations with healthcare leaders and the vendors developing AI solutions.

  • Practical Evaluations: Understand where different AI solutions are gaining traction, where skepticism remains, and how these technologies are practically applied in real-world settings.

Given that health systems are losing anywhere between 1-5% of net patient revenue due to revenue cycle inefficiencies, AI’s promises of lower costs and greater reimbursements are tantalizing. But which of these claims hold up? Access the report to better understand where the tech is today and where it’s going. Today’s health system leaders can’t afford to be left behind.