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CareAlign is a task management solution that integrates and summarizes EHR data, and enables task and team coordination workflows.

Reviews (1)

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11 min readReviewed on: 08/30/2023
Title: Student Doctor
Organization Type: Hospitals / Health System
  • Product Usage: CareAlign is used primarily for tracking patient tasks and managing patient care on the inpatient side, acting as a visualization layer on top of Epic.

  • Strengths: CareAlign excels at task management and the aggregation of patient data, providing succinct patient summaries and enabling effective task coordination within a healthcare team.

  • Weaknesses: However, the platform lacks a proper differentiation between user roles and does not have a revision history feature, making task management potentially confusing without clear team alignment.

  • Overall Judgment: Despite a few minor drawbacks, CareAlign is deemed a helpful tool for inpatient care management that significantly improves efficiency and is generally preferred over the existing alternatives.

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