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Cronofy provides HIPAA-compliant scheduling APIs and integration for healthcare apps, enabling self-service and administrative appointment bookings, as well as real-time calendar syncs.

Reviews (1)

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20 min readReviewed on: 08/14/2023
Title: Senior Product Manager
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Metabolic Health, Fertility Care, Men's Health, Women's Health
  • Product Usage: Cronofy was utilized within the telemedicine company as a consultation scheduling tool, directly integrated with Google Calendar for real-time availability updates.

  • Strengths: Cronofy was HIPAA compliant, offering robust scheduling management through API-first approach and seamless Google Calendar integration.

  • Weaknesses: Difficulty in managing users working hours flexibility and occasional problems with users accidentally deleting their specific Cronofy-linked calendars within Google Calendar.

  • Overall Judgment: Cronofy was a cost-effective, flexible, and valuable tool for the operations of the telemedicine company, handling scheduling efficiently with only minor issues related to user error.

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