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Pip Care
Pip Care
Pip Care is a digital health platform designed to support the surgical journey for both patients and care teams. It offers personalized health coaching, virtual care coordination, and digital management of protocols such as pre-habilitation and discharge instructions. The solution aims to improve outcomes by reducing surgery cancellations, readmission rates, and hospital stays while maintaining high patient engagement.
Product Overview
Security and Compliance Certifications: HIPAA
Pip Care is a digital health platform designed to support the surgical journey for both patients and care teams. It offers personalized health coaching, virtual care coordination, and digital management of protocols such as pre-habilitation and discharge instructions. The solution aims to improve outcomes by reducing surgery cancellations, readmission rates, and hospital stays while maintaining high patient engagement. Pip Care helps optimize patient preparation, communication, and recovery processes.
Customers Served
Company Info
HQ Location
New York, New York
Total Funding
Latest Round
Series A
Latest Round