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Zelis Provider Nexus

Zelis Provider Nexus is a multi-payer provider directory with a search solution across data from multiple carriers.

Reviews (1)

Zelis Provider Nexus Transcript
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14 min readReviewed on: 08/24/2023
Title: Head of Product
  • Product Usage: The reviewer uses Zelis in their health insurance navigation company to identify in-network providers at various health plans and help customers understand their insurance plans.

  • Strengths: The main strengths of Zelis include direct access to data from insurance carriers, overall API reliability, and established relationships with many insurance carriers.

  • Weaknesses: Some weaknesses noted include outdated API structure, lack of transparency about data updates and availability, restrictions in API usage, and poor support service.

  • Overall Judgment: Despite some obstacles, the reviewer feels they made the correct choice due to Zelis unique data partnership capability and regards it as the best available option for their specific use case.

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