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Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM offers a HIPAA-compliant, customizable solution for managing patient data, with features like automated process enhancement and patient engagement tools.

Reviews (1)

Zoho CRM Transcript
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21 min readReviewed on: 08/01/2023
Title: Head of Growth
Organization Type: Specialty Practice
Specialty: Behavioral Health
  • Product Usage: The company uses Zoho to manage various workflows related to clients and employees such as record management, documentation management, and therapy scheduling.

  • Strengths: The review highlights Zohos range of functionalities, easy automation setup, useful analytics, and straightforward workflow management.

  • Weaknesses: The reviewer was concerned about potential limitations and glitches in workflow automation, and uncertainties about Zohos ability to support their growth.

  • Overall Judgment: The reviewer feels that Zoho offers great value for its price, and strikes a balance between lightweight task management solutions and costly, heavy-duty platforms.

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