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per provider, per month
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Virtual-First Provider
Metabolic Health

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  • Product Usage: The product, Healthie, is used primarily for scheduling, allowing seamless management of availability, booking, rescheduling, and cancellation of appointments by both care team providers and members.

  • Strengths: Healthies API-first approach makes it easy to integrate with existing product stacks, it offers modular subscription options allowing for purchase of only required features, and it is reliable with no recorded downtime hindering patient-care interactions.

  • Weaknesses: Healthies native user interface design and availability of only Zoom for teleconferencing are not the best, but their existence did not prevent the swift launch of the product and eventual implementation of improvements.

  • Overall Judgment: Healthie has proved the right choice for handling scheduling functionalities, thanks to its seamless integration with existing infrastructure, customizability, reliability, pricing structure, and overall ease of use. It is recommended for businesses in need of similar solutions.


Today, we’re chatting about Healthie and how it’s used at your company. Before we begin, could you give a brief overview of the company and your role there?

We’re a digital health company with the primary goal of supporting individuals on their weight loss journey. Weve reached over 250,000 individuals nationwide. Our approach to care delivery is hybrid, blending synchronous and asynchronous methods through a dedicated team of health coaches, providers, and dietitians. In my role as director of product, I oversee our care delivery initiative, focusing on the methods and types of care we provide.

What was the need that drove you to look for a product like Healthie?

We needed a scheduling solution tailored to healthcare. Our model involved primarily asynchronous, message-based consults. With our new go-to-market strategy and state requirements, we had to introduce flexibility, including in our telehealth offering. We sought a vendor that could match patients with the appropriate providers, factoring in their availability, state licensure, and insurance credentialing.

What were some of the requirements that you were using to evaluate Healthie and other companies in this area?

We were looking for an API-first solution to integrate with our custom-built member web portal and mobile app while still being able to control our established member experience and design frameworks. We also wanted to continue to control the provider experience, which is integrated with our in-house EHR. We needed a vendor that would seamlessly integrate with our existing ecosystem.

Were there specific features or capabilities you required?

We prioritized flexibility with the types of consultations, which included provider availability and licensure. Essentially, we needed a system that could integrate seamlessly with our existing infrastructure and handle the complexities of healthcare scheduling, ensuring that only qualified individuals deliver care to our members.

Which competitors did you evaluate?

We explored a range of scheduling solutions, from basic options like Google Calendar plugins to comprehensive patient management systems like AthenaHealth and Experians scheduling tools. We assessed various approaches, from those prioritizing healthcare-specific scheduling needs to more generic availability-based booking. Our selection process narrowed down to vendors that met our stringent compliance standards and were willing to sign a Business Associate Agreement (BAA), critical for protecting the sensitive information of our patients. This requirement significantly reduced our list of potential technology partners.

Besides the BAA and the licensure/regulatory requirements, how did some of the finalists stack up against Healthie, and where did they fall short for you?

Our finalists generally offered complex packages, but Healthie allowed us to subscribe to just the core scheduling functionality we needed, avoiding unnecessary extras. What set Healthie apart was also their speed to market. Their process from contracting to go-live was swift and clear, enabling a straightforward implementation. They provided out-of-the-box solutions that we could immediately integrate for an initial version, unlike competitors who required lengthy integrations. Healthies modular approach fit well with our existing tech stack, and their user interface was already well developed. Importantly, their pricing matched our needs for a straightforward scheduling solution.

How did the pricing compare between Healthie and their competitors?

Healthies pricing model allowed us to pay only for the specific capabilities we needed. Unlike other products that required purchasing the entire bundle, Healthie offered a modular approach. Our immediate need was for better scheduling, and Healthie provided that without forcing us to pay for additional components we didnt need at the moment. This option to add more features later without an upfront cost was attractive, especially compared to competitors offerings, which involved expensive, bloated software packages that did not add value for us.

How did you find the sales process overall?

It was very hands-on. We received numerous demos and substantial access to their documentation, which allowed us to thoroughly test the product. This pre-purchase experience helped us gain confidence in our decision and enabled us to set up a test environment. As a result, we were able to go live quickly after completing the purchase.

How was the onboarding and setup process?

They provided close support and allowed us to quickly move forward with enough flexibility to determine our own implementation path. Their presence was available when necessary, yet we could independently drive much of the process thanks to excellent documentation and the user-friendly nature of the product. We were able to go live predominantly through self-service means.

What are the specific use cases that you have for the product?

Our use cases center on scheduling, which is seamless for both our members and our care team. The platform is white-labeled, functioning with an API-first approach, and facilitates hundreds of weekly encounters without users being aware they’re even using Healthie.

For providers, Healthie allows easy management of availability, both recurring and one-off appointments, and calendar integration to prevent conflicts. This is essential for our part-time providers who balance other jobs or personal commitments.

For members, the system offers clear visibility of available slots, prioritizing their preferred provider but also showing other options. They can conveniently reschedule or cancel appointments, which is a critical flexibility that is expected from a digital health company. This scheduling flexibility extends to managing changes post-booking, ensuring a smooth experience.

What are some strengths and weaknesses of this Healthie module, and how reliable is it?

The strengths include its API-first approach, which easily integrates with our existing product stack, creating a user experience where patients are unaware of Healthies existence. This integration feels like a natural extension of our company, which is very important for us.

Regarding weaknesses, Healthies native user interface design is not the best. However, it was sufficient to launch our services quickly—in just seven days—and served as a foundation for later improvements with a more integrated approach.

In terms of reliability, Healthie has been dependable. We havent encountered any bugs that prevented patients from scheduling or altering appointments, nor have we experienced any service outages that would impact our ability to provide patient care. Ensuring continuous operation is vital to our business, since patients would seek alternatives if faced with accessibility issues. Thus far, Healthie has not had any downtime that would affect patient interactions.

How do you feel about the documentation and the developer experience?

It was really clear. Whenever we had questions, their technical support teams were helpful in providing clarity and giving recommendations tailored to our specific use case. The APIs offered flexibility in implementation, accompanied by useful guidance, enabling us to adapt our approach over time. Their support was proactive, helping us to launch Healthies integrated scheduling experience within about a month, which was impressive. The quick time to market was crucial for us as we wanted to avoid lengthy engineering efforts. We managed to drive most of the implementation with just one engineer in a self-service manner.

Do you have any tactical advice for other folks that are looking to build on Healthie APIs?

I’d recommend assessing whether an API-first approach is necessary, or if Healthies standard offerings meet your needs. We found that initially we didnt require the API-first approach and could introduce it later. Newly established companies should seriously consider whether custom-built experiences using APIs are essential, especially as Healthie already offers many ready-to-use features. Our company had an existing app and EHR system that we developed over three years before integrating with Healthies API. Start-ups should carefully determine their strategy, recognizing that while APIs offer a path to enhancement, they might not be the ideal starting point.

Does Healthie integrate with any of your other products in your tech stack?

Everything is API first. For instance, when a copay is required following an appointment scheduled through Healthie, our payment processing system is automatically triggered to handle the transaction. This direct integration means we havent needed to rely heavily on Healthies built-in integrations or establish third-party connections. We manage control over our tech stack and any downstream integrations. Despite some native elements of Healthie being suboptimal, they were not a primary concern for us, and we anticipated that during our initial decision-making. Overall, Healthie has been one of the easiest integrations to implement in our ecosystem.

How do you feel about the account management and support team?

Our support experiences with Healthie have been positive, but thankfully we rarely need them. The platforms reliability stands out as its most valued feature. The account management team provides excellent insight into upcoming features and optimal utilization of their services. Initially, we used Healthie primarily for scheduling, but their team has highlighted other potential areas of benefit for our business.

Although we havent expanded into these areas yet, Healthie remains a top contender when considering new use cases for our company. Their BAA is a significant advantage for any digital health company, as it streamlines decision-making around using Healthie versus alternative solutions. Currently, were assessing whether to leverage Healthie for additional use cases, relying on their team to guide us through potential expansions that could build upon our existing integration and relationship.

Looking back, do you feel like you made the correct decision in going with Healthie?

Were happy with our decision. We did thorough vetting, and we still feel it was the right choice for our business at this stage.

Are there any areas of growth that you would recommend to leadership at Healthie?

Id suggest Healthie focus on enhancing the ease of adding new features in a modular way. Its critical for them to provide capabilities that integrate smoothly at the right price point. They should leverage the simplicity of their initial offering to attract customers and then offer more complex solutions over time.

It would also be beneficial for them to invest in their out-of-the-box solutions. This approach could extend the time before clients feel the need for deeper API integration. Better alignment with client branding and integration needs from the start can be a key improvement.

Regarding downstream integrations, particularly in scheduling and teleconferencing, their current reliance on Zoom is adequate, but expanding native teleconferencing features and integrations with other platforms like Doxy could enhance user experience. This expansion could include setting up waiting rooms and further customization options within teleconferencing, which would be appealing to Healthie clients who require more specialized service.

Do you have any additional advice for buyers who are thinking through this type of product at the moment?

For any products of this type, its essential to identify where your business aims to differentiate itself. With regard to choosing vendors or making a build-versus-buy decision, you should contemplate whether the function will make your company stand out. For instance, we required scheduling to simply be reliable without reinventing the process. Buyers should assess the value a solution provides, the potential to reallocate time and resources if the function is outsourced, and have an honest internal conversation before selecting any vendor.