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Awell is a low-code and no-code platform that enables the design and management of clinical workflows within EHRs, automating routine administrative tasks to improve patient care coordination.

Reviews (1)

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19 min readReviewed on: 09/22/2023
Title: Head of Product
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Behavioral Health
  • Product Usage: Awell is used to automate sending assessments and reminders, lock patient-reported outcome forms post-completion, automate task triggers for both patients and providers, and for logging certain metrics.

  • Strengths: Awell is versatile, user-friendly, boasts of excellent customer support, and is considered cost-effective.

  • Weaknesses: Product weaknesses include limited out-of-the-box integrations that require custom webhook handlers for certain functions, and there are occasional bugs being ironed out. However, Awell’s integrations seem to be improving over time.

  • Overall Judgment: Despite its minor faults, Awell is deemed a satisfactory and cost-effective solution beneficial to a smaller startup with budget constraints.