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Change Healthcare

Change Healthcare

Change Healthcare offers a variety of revenue cycle management, clinical and imaging, and patient engagement tools, and are well-known for their insurance clearinghouse.

Reviews (1)

Change Healthcare Transcript
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11 min readReviewed on: 12/01/2023
Title: CEO
  • Product Usage: Change Healthcares APIs are used for claim submission, claim status, and eligibility checks.

  • Strengths: The product offers a self-serve option and flexible contract terms that are useful in testing and adjusting business requirements.

  • Weaknesses: Customer support, onboarding and sales processes are disorganized and unresponsive, making it hard to address custom needs and software issues.

  • Overall Judgment: Though not entirely satisfied due to several challenges, the company intends to renew the contract due to the high cost of switching to another service provider.

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