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Medplum is a FHIR-based headless EHR that handles infrastructure and data architecture for building applications with patient data so that builders can focus on the business logic and UI.

Reviews (4)

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15 min readReviewed on: 10/04/2023
Title: Principal Engineer
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Men's Health, Women's Health, Behavioral Health
  • Product Usage: The reviewer mainly used Medplum as a back-end solution and data model to act as the source of truth for patient information and coordinating with other systems.

  • Strengths: Medplum is praised for its commitment to FHIR as a standard, its comprehensive implementation, opportunities for integration with the wider ecosystem, and its highly knowledgeable team.

  • Weaknesses: Medplums user experience components are deemed weak, as they did not integrate well with the reviewers existing UI framework.

  • Overall Judgment: Overall, the reviewer thinks choosing Medplum to create a singular, well-planned clinical data repository was the right decision. They were particularly happy with the support and account management.

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9 min readReviewed on: 10/04/2023
Title: Operations Manager
  • Product Usage: The product is used frequently across multiple teams, integrating well with various workflows and systems to manage and track customer data, orders, and results.

  • Strengths: The products strengths include being HIPAA compliant, a user-friendly API, affordability, robust security, stringent implementation, and dynamic adaptability for a wide range of scenarios.

  • Weaknesses: A noted weakness is the products basic user interface and the lack of some features initially tailored for lab testing.

  • Overall Judgment: Overall, the product is reliable, useful, and easy to build upon using its API, making it a great choice for healthcare-oriented startups.

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12 min readReviewed on: 07/10/2023
Title: Head of Product
Organization Type: Specialty Practice
Specialty: Cardiology
  • Product Usage: The user is using Medplum for robust data centralization of heart disease patients, with Medplum hosting their data and supporting security and performance measures.

  • Strengths: Medplums open-source technology, alignment with HL7 FHIR standards, comprehensive documentation, scalable platform, HIPAA and SOC2 compliance, flexibility of access control lists, and the ability to import synthetic data for testing have been highlighted as strong attributes.

  • Weaknesses: The front-end tool has limitations, and there were challenges with discrepancies between different FHIR standards and versions supported by Medplum.

  • Overall Judgment: Even though some discrepancies and challenges were encountered, the user is satisfied with Medplums robust data handling, comprehensive documentation, security protocols, and scalable platform.

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35 min readReviewed on: 06/27/2023
Title: Principal Consultant
  • Product Usage: Medplum is an open source headless EHR, based on FHIR and is used by AlleyCorp Nord to assist early-stage startups in creating their initial products.

  • Strengths: Medplums transparent architecture technology approach, open source nature, and easy access to knowledgeable staff are its main strengths. It also extends FHIR to provide a unique authentication and authorization model at a very reasonable timeframe.

  • Weaknesses: Medplum is not yet a mature product and users might encounter unwanted behaviors or bugs. The FHIR specification is also not fully implemented in Medplum, particularly in the search model. The Medplum app, an admin panel, is too technical and limited so its not suitable for direct use by internal operations teams or clinicians.

  • Overall Judgment: Despite these limitations, the reviewer recommends using Medplum due to its overall modern, open-source approach, knowledgeable staff, and sensible architecture choice.