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Mirth Connect

Mirth Connect is an open-source integration engine that facilitates exchange of healthcare data between disparate formats, supporting standards like HL7, DICOM, and XML.

Reviews (1)

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19 min readReviewed on: 08/28/2023
Title: Software Engineer
  • Product Usage: The company used Mirth Connect to make transforming data between various HL7 and interoperability standards easier.

  • Strengths: Mirth Connects strengths include its open-source nature, availability of a supporting community, feature completeness, ease of testing due to modularity, and its ability to handle various unique connection types.

  • Weaknesses: The products low-code environment and its use of an older type of JavaScript interpreter make it a poor fit for experienced coders, and its logging function used excessive disk space.

  • Overall Judgment: The reviewer found Mirth Connect to be more suited to technically proficient non-coders in IT, and not recommended for software engineers or any high-frequency use due to its cumbersome process and code environment.