Welkin Health

Welkin Health

Welkin Health is a customizable EHR and care management platform designed for automated care programs, multi-channel communication, and integrations with other EHRs.

Reviews (5)

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8 min readReviewed on: 06/27/2024
Title: Operations Leader
  • Product Usage: The product is used as an all-in-one system for phone communications, ticketing, order management, and customer automation processes, including follow-ups and reminders.

  • Strengths: The main strength of the product is its powerful automation capabilities and its flexibility, making it conducive for varied strategies in healthcare firms.

  • Weaknesses: Phone and ticketing functions are basic and are areas that could be improved.

  • Overall Judgment: The system has proved extremely useful for achieving product-market fit by acting as an all-in-one solution negating the need for multiple SaaS tools.

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9 min readReviewed on: 10/04/2023
Title: Operations Lead
Organization Type: Specialty Practice
  • Product Usage: Welkin is primarily used for communication between nurses, facilitating referrals, telehealth sessions, and documentation.

  • Strengths: Welkin is praised for its flexibility and customizability that allows in-house feature development.

  • Weaknesses: Users are suggesting improvements in the assessment templates interactivity and the functionality of the calendar feature.

  • Overall Judgment: Despite its minor weaknesses, Welkin is greatly appreciated for its effective overall product and features.

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17 min readReviewed on: 09/22/2023
Title: Product & Data Analytics Manager
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Primary Care
  • Product Usage: Welkin is used primarily for communication between the clinical team and patients, with custom-built features and functionality present to facilitate seamless transitions.

  • Strengths: The platforms strengths include its trackability for patients, customizability, robust API, and security permissions which provide a level of control for sensitive data.

  • Weaknesses: Welkin lacks a functionality to easily switch coverage for users when providers are unavailable and a feature that correctly links conversations to the involved parties account in the case of child-parent relationships.

  • Overall Judgment: Despite a few lacking functionalities, Welkin has been a good fit for the company due to its strengths and the company has appreciated the support and responsiveness to their requests.

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13 min readReviewed on: 08/24/2023
Title: Product Manager
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Behavioral Health
  • Product Usage: Welkin is primarily used for clinical operations and to create complex care plans, as well as e-prescribing.

  • Strengths: Rapid adoption among clinicians and a high level of configurability are notable strengths of Welkin.

  • Weaknesses: The inflexible scheduling and messaging issues, oversold integrations, and lackluster onboarding process are notable weaknesses of Welkin.

  • Overall Judgment: While Welkin has been useful and reliable overall, there are areas for improvement and the reviewer mentions considering another EHR system that might have been a better match.

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26 min readReviewed on: 08/07/2023
Title: Senior Program Manager
Organization Type: Specialty Practice
Specialty: Metabolic Health
  • Product Usage: Welkin is used as an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system by the company, with features serving as a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. It is used for connecting with patients, clinical note-taking and review, workflow automation and tracking patient progress over time.

  • Strengths: The system offers a customizable interface and focuses on tracking long-term patient progress. It has integrated features like DocuSign and DrFirst, and allows data extraction and management for improving clinical operations.

  • Weaknesses: There are limitations on editing finalized notes, the calendar doesnt show providers working hours or days off, and external care coordination is somewhat hampered due to a lack of support for fax. The APIs have certain limitations and the system doesnt support bi-directional data flow with other platforms.

  • Overall Judgment: Welkins services have been largely positive, allowing effective patient management and providing a level of customization not common in typical EHRs. While there are certain limitations, the system is overall deemed reliable for the next couple of years, contingent on how it evolves and expands its features.

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