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Tellescope is a HIPAA-compliant platform offering integrated patient relationship management, including communication tools and healthcare CRM features for digital health providers.

Reviews (4)

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15 min readReviewed on: 11/20/2023
Title: Director of Clinical Programs
Organization Type: Specialty Practice
Specialty: Orthopedics
  • Product Usage: Used as the primary platform for clinicians and coordinators, allowing for patient registration, scheduling, visits, and communication entirely through Tellescope, except for clinical note documentation, which is done on Elation.

  • Strengths: Tellescope has an advanced scheduling system that accommodates multiple providers across different states and the open API which permits quick and flexible amendments.

  • Weaknesses: The user interface could be enhanced on both ends (patient-facing and clinician-facing), with an additional need for better onboarding and user guidelines for new functionalities.

  • Overall Judgment: Despite minor shortcomings, the products unique positioning, continuous development, and responsive customer support make it an excellent choice for their needs.

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10 min readReviewed on: 10/19/2023
Title: Co-founder
Organization Type: Community Health Center
  • Product Usage: The product is being employed as a CRM to manage, track, and organize interactions with patients, with additional features being custom triggers, automations, analytics capabilities, and a mobile app.

  • Strengths: Flexibility and customization to meet users needs, responsiveness and proactive adjustments are highlighted strengths.

  • Weaknesses: Initial experiences of bugs, although notable improvements have been seen. Additionally, the user interface could use some refinement.

  • Overall Judgment: The reviewer is satisfied, affirming that the choice to use Tellescope was the right decision for their organization, due to its adaptability, customization features, and quick implementation process.

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19 min readReviewed on: 09/14/2023
Title: Founder
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Behavioral Health
  • Product Usage: Tellescope is used as a main scheduling tool that offers the flexibility of implementing scheduling constraints, secure chat features, and potential addition of video conferencing and customized patient journeys.

  • Strengths: Tellescope offers a secure and HIPAA-compliant platform with flexibility, clear documentation, good support from co-founders, and fast customization of solutions based on specific client requirements.

  • Weaknesses: The products provider setting for availability is non-intuitive and the calendar integration is challenging for providers who want to link a non-HIPAA-compliant external calendar. Occasional minor bugs are encountered.

  • Overall Judgment: Despite minor bugs and the need for additional training for providers, the decision to choose Tellescope is validated by its cost-effectiveness, specific healthcare focus, strong support, and HIPAA compliance.

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26 min readReviewed on: 07/19/2023
Title: VP of Product
Organization Type: Specialty Practice
Specialty: Orthopedics
  • Product Usage: Tellescope provides a comprehensive care management system suitable for highly interactive patient care with multimodal communication options like SMS, phone, and email.

  • Strengths: Tellescope quickly and effectively implements new features, offers strong capability in reporting, patient communication, team communication, forms and ticketing, and features a good API that integrates well with other systems.

  • Weaknesses: The user interface requires improvement and tends to lag in customizing for specific brand alignment. The platform could benefit from improvements in automations and batch processes, along with better rendering for content management.

  • Overall Judgment: Tellescope effectively fills a niche in the digital health care management market with a well-designed and user-friendly service that adapts well to changing user needs. The product offers latitude for growth, with robust functionality and customization options.