Patient Administration

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Fertu Transcript
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8 min readReviewed on: 02/07/2024
Title: Cofounder
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Pediatrics, Behavioral Health
  • Product Usage: Fertu is used to engage with pediatricians and their staff at scale through cold calling and fax-based communication, oversee continued nurturing of relationships, and manage newsletters and webinars.

  • Strengths: Fertu is very focused on the customers requirements, has broad communication capabilities (phone, SMS, direct mail, and fax), and provides personalized service.

  • Weaknesses: The personalized service model that Fertu employs might not scale with the growth of the company, creating potential challenges in the future.

  • Overall Judgment: Fertu is a valuable tool for outreach and engagement, especially when dealing with audiences that require more traditional methods of communication. Issues and bugs are promptly addressed, and the integration with HubSpot is seamless. Fertu is seen more as a high-quality custom service than just a product.

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Fertu Transcript
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11 min readReviewed on: 01/31/2024
Title: Head of Marketing
Organization Type: Care Navigation
  • Product Usage: The product was used as a HIPAA-compliant patient engagement and marketing across a variety of communication channels.

  • Strengths: The product showed strengths in commitment to compliance, customizability, and an ability to effectively manage multiple communication channels.

  • Weaknesses: A noted weakness was the lack of self-service options aside from reporting, which required a significant amount of time and effort from the customer.

  • Overall Judgment: Despite the need for more self-service options, the product was seen as valuable in achieving high activation levels among customer populations and providing necessary scalability. The team deemed their decision to use this product as correct. Transcript
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12 min readReviewed on: 01/25/2024
Title: Head of Growth
Organization Type: Primary Care Clinic
Specialty: Primary Care, Chronic Care
  • Product Usage: is predominantly used for scheduling appointments, sending confirmations and reminders, as well as hosting telehealth visits.

  • Strengths: The main strengths are its user-friendly interface, HIPAA compliance, and ability to manage different time zones.

  • Weaknesses: The main concerns circle around its payment system, bugs with rescheduling and cancellations, and the inability to send automated texts without a double opt-in.

  • Overall Judgment: While has proven to be useful given the scale of operations, improvements related to bug fixes and the payment system are crucial for future scalability.

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Formsort Transcript
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17 min readReviewed on: 12/21/2023
Title: Head of Product
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Physical Therapy, Women's Health
  • Product Usage: The product is used for experimentation at the top of the sales funnel to increase service bookings and provides a platform for running tests without extensive engineering work.

  • Strengths: The product has strong capabilities in handling complex conditional logic, allowing for use of code in creating calculated variables that drive conditional logic, offering a higher level of customization, and providing excellent customer support.

  • Weaknesses: Theres a learning curve in getting acquainted with the product and its functionalities and difficulty in saving drafts.

  • Overall Judgment: Overall, the product is highly beneficial for growing companies with limited engineering resources, despite minor UI drawbacks and a slight learning curve.

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Healthie Transcript
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19 min readReviewed on: 12/07/2023
Title: Chief Operating Officer (formerly CTO)
Organization Type: Primary Care Clinic
Specialty: Primary Care
  • Product Usage: The product has been used as a platform to deliver wellness content to members and for scheduling integrations with their EHR.

  • Strengths: The product successfully delivers wellness content, allows sign-ups for classes, and integrates schedules to avoid double bookings.

  • Weaknesses: The platform has lackluster user experience, insufficient reporting capabilities, problematic login processes, unscheduled product upgrades, and a complex licensing structure.

  • Overall Judgment: Due to their shift towards becoming an EHR and lackluster user experience, the company has decided to transition away from this product.

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Salesforce (Health Cloud) Transcript
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15 min readReviewed on: 11/22/2023
Title: Operations Director
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Behavioral Health
  • Product Usage: The primary use case is tracking sales information, logging calls, meetings, and prospecting activities; Salesforce is also used for dashboarding and reporting, partnership management, admissions and intake process, verification of benefits, and post-treatment care.

  • Strengths: Salesforces strengths lie in its flexibility to handle various types of data and workflows, the ability to automate reporting, sending notifications and emails based on triggers, and its ability to integrate with numerous systems.

  • Weaknesses: The products weaknesses include limitations in visualization, dashboarding, and complex reporting, and a dated user interface; furthermore, too much flexibility can lead to a bloat with features and functionalities.

  • Overall Judgment: Despite some drawbacks, Salesforce is a valuable tool for managing a wide range of processes within the company, from sales tracking to patient admissions and intake, making it a favorable choice.

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Tellescope Transcript
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15 min readReviewed on: 11/20/2023
Title: Director of Clinical Programs
Organization Type: Specialty Practice
Specialty: Orthopedics
  • Product Usage: Used as the primary platform for clinicians and coordinators, allowing for patient registration, scheduling, visits, and communication entirely through Tellescope, except for clinical note documentation, which is done on Elation.

  • Strengths: Tellescope has an advanced scheduling system that accommodates multiple providers across different states and the open API which permits quick and flexible amendments.

  • Weaknesses: The user interface could be enhanced on both ends (patient-facing and clinician-facing), with an additional need for better onboarding and user guidelines for new functionalities.

  • Overall Judgment: Despite minor shortcomings, the products unique positioning, continuous development, and responsive customer support make it an excellent choice for their needs.

Weave Transcript
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17 min readReviewed on: 11/02/2023
Title: VP of Product and Group Product Manager
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Cardiology, Neurology
  • Product Usage: The reviewers, working in a health services startup, use Weave for patient communications, particularly making phone calls and sending SMS to patients.

  • Strengths: Weaves strengths include affordability, HIPAA compliance, and basic communication functionalities like voice call and SMS.

  • Weaknesses: Weaknesses comprise dispersed and inconsistent customer support, lack of software-based option, and difficulties in phone setup.

  • Overall Judgment: The reviewers find Weave satisfactory for the current basic communication needs, though they express concerns about its ability to meet future requirements.

Qure4u Transcript
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14 min readReviewed on: 10/27/2023
Title: VP of Product
Organization Type: Primary Care Clinic
Specialty: Primary Care, Metabolic Health
  • Product Usage: The product is used for automating data collection of custom intake questionnaires, facilitating virtual visits, and remote patient monitoring.

  • Strengths: The products affordability and quick setup due to its existing marketplace relationship with athenahealth are its main strengths.

  • Weaknesses: The product has functionality limitations, struggles with reliability especially for the virtual visit feature, and could utilize API connectivity with athenahealth better.

  • Overall Judgment: The product does not fully meet the companys needs in terms of reliability and integration with athenahealth, and it may not have been the best choice compared to potentially better vendors in the market.

Other Products Considered Transcript
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14 min readReviewed on: 10/20/2023
Title: Physician & Medical Director
Organization Type: Hospitals / Health System
  • Product Usage: The user uses Sully as a virtual scribe for both in-person and virtual clinical visits through an app on an Android phone. Sully records the interaction, generates a report, and emails it to the user, who then imports the report into their electronic medical record system (EMR).

  • Strengths: Highlights of Sully include its accurate capture of interactions, transformation of patient instructions into conversational language, and added value for users without automatic diagnostic codes integration. The support provided by the Sully team is also considered excellent.

  • Weaknesses: Sully doesnt always accurately transcribe medicinal brand names and lacks a built-in mechanism to correct such errors. The current lack of seamless integration with Epic and other EMR systems is another limitation, hindering usage ease.

  • Overall Judgment: The reviewer is extremely satisfied with Sully, remarking that it fills their need for a scribe and helps with capturing necessary details correctly and comprehensively.

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Tellescope Transcript
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10 min readReviewed on: 10/19/2023
Title: Co-founder
Organization Type: Community Health Center
  • Product Usage: The product is being employed as a CRM to manage, track, and organize interactions with patients, with additional features being custom triggers, automations, analytics capabilities, and a mobile app.

  • Strengths: Flexibility and customization to meet users needs, responsiveness and proactive adjustments are highlighted strengths.

  • Weaknesses: Initial experiences of bugs, although notable improvements have been seen. Additionally, the user interface could use some refinement.

  • Overall Judgment: The reviewer is satisfied, affirming that the choice to use Tellescope was the right decision for their organization, due to its adaptability, customization features, and quick implementation process.

Welkin Health Transcript
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9 min readReviewed on: 10/04/2023
Title: Operations Lead
Organization Type: Specialty Practice
  • Product Usage: Welkin is primarily used for communication between nurses, facilitating referrals, telehealth sessions, and documentation.

  • Strengths: Welkin is praised for its flexibility and customizability that allows in-house feature development.

  • Weaknesses: Users are suggesting improvements in the assessment templates interactivity and the functionality of the calendar feature.

  • Overall Judgment: Despite its minor weaknesses, Welkin is greatly appreciated for its effective overall product and features.

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Formsort Transcript
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12 min readReviewed on: 09/26/2023
Title: Product Manager
Organization Type: Specialty Practice
Specialty: Behavioral Health
  • Product Usage: Formsort is used for patient and provider intake and onboarding, leveraging its branching logic and customization features.

  • Strengths: The strengths of Formsort include the high level of branding and design control, strong customization capabilities, and efficient handling of complex branching logic.

  • Weaknesses: A detriment to Formsort is its relatively complicated user interface and setup compared to more user-friendly alternatives.

  • Overall Judgment: Despite its complexity, the user recommends Formsort due to its flexibility, customization options, and performance in increasing conversion rates.

Welkin Health Transcript
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17 min readReviewed on: 09/22/2023
Title: Product & Data Analytics Manager
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Primary Care
  • Product Usage: Welkin is used primarily for communication between the clinical team and patients, with custom-built features and functionality present to facilitate seamless transitions.

  • Strengths: The platforms strengths include its trackability for patients, customizability, robust API, and security permissions which provide a level of control for sensitive data.

  • Weaknesses: Welkin lacks a functionality to easily switch coverage for users when providers are unavailable and a feature that correctly links conversations to the involved parties account in the case of child-parent relationships.

  • Overall Judgment: Despite a few lacking functionalities, Welkin has been a good fit for the company due to its strengths and the company has appreciated the support and responsiveness to their requests.

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Salesforce (Health Cloud) Transcript
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28 min readReviewed on: 09/18/2023
Title: Head of Technology
  • Product Usage: Salesforce Health Cloud is used to provide a care management platform intended to support various user types (network development, health coach, account executive), integrate workflows and enable shared data models.

  • Strengths: The platforms primary strengths are its high customization potential and extended application ecosystem, allowing users to build around or expand upon standard Salesforce objects.

  • Weaknesses: Theres a risk of building oneself into a corner through over-customization, and theres a challenge of potentially running out of custom objects, space, or hitting API limits if one hasnt had prior experience with Salesforce.f.

  • Overall Judgment: The decision to use Salesforce Health Cloud is deemed to be correct; its flexibility has allowed the client to build a robust care management and sales management platform.

Tellescope Transcript
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19 min readReviewed on: 09/14/2023
Title: Founder
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Behavioral Health
  • Product Usage: Tellescope is used as a main scheduling tool that offers the flexibility of implementing scheduling constraints, secure chat features, and potential addition of video conferencing and customized patient journeys.

  • Strengths: Tellescope offers a secure and HIPAA-compliant platform with flexibility, clear documentation, good support from co-founders, and fast customization of solutions based on specific client requirements.

  • Weaknesses: The products provider setting for availability is non-intuitive and the calendar integration is challenging for providers who want to link a non-HIPAA-compliant external calendar. Occasional minor bugs are encountered.

  • Overall Judgment: Despite minor bugs and the need for additional training for providers, the decision to choose Tellescope is validated by its cost-effectiveness, specific healthcare focus, strong support, and HIPAA compliance.

Formsort Transcript
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19 min readReviewed on: 08/29/2023
Title: Product Manager
Organization Type: Primary Care Clinic
Specialty: Primary Care, Metabolic Health, Cardiology
  • Product Usage: Formsort serves as the primary tool for patient intake processes, handling detailed questionnaires and surveys, and collecting lead forms on the companys website.

  • Strengths: Formsort boasts robust customer support and extensive customization options, allowing for granular adjustments and alignment with the companys branding and UX guidelines.

  • Weaknesses: Formsort can be overwhelming for those without design experience and lacks full service in certain functionalities like RudderStack identification and full-featured Stripe integration.

  • Overall Judgment: The platform is instrumental for the company, both for current functions and future growth, with high potential in conversion rate optimization due to its key features.

Welkin Health Transcript
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13 min readReviewed on: 08/24/2023
Title: Product Manager
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Behavioral Health
  • Product Usage: Welkin is primarily used for clinical operations and to create complex care plans, as well as e-prescribing.

  • Strengths: Rapid adoption among clinicians and a high level of configurability are notable strengths of Welkin.

  • Weaknesses: The inflexible scheduling and messaging issues, oversold integrations, and lackluster onboarding process are notable weaknesses of Welkin.

  • Overall Judgment: While Welkin has been useful and reliable overall, there are areas for improvement and the reviewer mentions considering another EHR system that might have been a better match.

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Phreesia Transcript
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16 min readReviewed on: 08/21/2023
Title: Head of Digital Product
Organization Type: Specialty Practice
Specialty: Women's Health
  • Product Usage: Phreesia is employed for automating patient intake processes, communicating with patients, managing insurance and billing data, and enabling patient self-scheduling through links embedded in the companys patient app and website.

  • Strengths: Phreesias strengths lie in its comprehensive functionality, flexibility, configurability, and the simplicity of making changes through its front end, and the self-scheduling tool worked well for the company.

  • Weaknesses: The company experienced issues with data interoperability between Phreesia and their EHR system, Athena, often encountering errors that surfaced during patient check-ins; the user experience could be improved for easier navigation, and challenges were faced with the account management team.

  • Overall Judgment: Despite Phreesia being the best option available at the time of implementation, with advancements in technology and emerging competitors, the company might reconsider its choice as issues persist. Transcript
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16 min readReviewed on: 08/15/2023
Title: Chief Product Officer
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Behavioral Health
  • Product Usage: The reviewer uses to track patient follow-ups, with most of its use being to communicate with patients via SMS and email reminders regarding their need to follow-up on a visit.

  • Strengths: excels at providing efficient message orchestration and flexible campaign set-up, along with capabilities such as time-delays, prompt customer support and generous messaging volume in their pricing structure.

  • Weaknesses: The integration process had its challenges, specifically with automated tracking of back-end events, and analytics reporting regarding successful attributions needs improvement.

  • Overall Judgment: The reviewer views the decision to choose as the right one, and intends to continue using it in the future due to its out-of-the-box capabilities and cost-effectiveness.

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Cronofy Transcript
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20 min readReviewed on: 08/14/2023
Title: Senior Product Manager
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Metabolic Health, Fertility Care, Men's Health, Women's Health
  • Product Usage: Cronofy was utilized within the telemedicine company as a consultation scheduling tool, directly integrated with Google Calendar for real-time availability updates.

  • Strengths: Cronofy was HIPAA compliant, offering robust scheduling management through API-first approach and seamless Google Calendar integration.

  • Weaknesses: Difficulty in managing users working hours flexibility and occasional problems with users accidentally deleting their specific Cronofy-linked calendars within Google Calendar.

  • Overall Judgment: Cronofy was a cost-effective, flexible, and valuable tool for the operations of the telemedicine company, handling scheduling efficiently with only minor issues related to user error.

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Healthie Transcript
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18 min readReviewed on: 08/10/2023
Title: Co-founder
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Geriatric Care, Neurology
  • Product Usage: Healthie is mainly used as an EMR and practice management solution, including appointments scheduling, patient engagement, prescriptions ordering, and, previously, billing.

  • Strengths: Healthie is user-friendly, embeddable into the website, excels in multi-zone scheduling, and offers a flexible API for additional functionalities.

  • Weaknesses: Healthie falls short on automating certain tasks, has occasional billing issues, a limited task management tool, and requires patients to log into the app for video consultations.

  • Overall Judgment: Despite some shortcomings, Healthie is considered a valuable tool for its user-friendly interface, strong scheduling functionality, and overall practicality for a telehealth physician group. The company plans to continue its usage in foreseeable future.

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Welkin Health Transcript
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26 min readReviewed on: 08/07/2023
Title: Senior Program Manager
Organization Type: Specialty Practice
Specialty: Metabolic Health
  • Product Usage: Welkin is used as an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system by the company, with features serving as a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. It is used for connecting with patients, clinical note-taking and review, workflow automation and tracking patient progress over time.

  • Strengths: The system offers a customizable interface and focuses on tracking long-term patient progress. It has integrated features like DocuSign and DrFirst, and allows data extraction and management for improving clinical operations.

  • Weaknesses: There are limitations on editing finalized notes, the calendar doesnt show providers working hours or days off, and external care coordination is somewhat hampered due to a lack of support for fax. The APIs have certain limitations and the system doesnt support bi-directional data flow with other platforms.

  • Overall Judgment: Welkins services have been largely positive, allowing effective patient management and providing a level of customization not common in typical EHRs. While there are certain limitations, the system is overall deemed reliable for the next couple of years, contingent on how it evolves and expands its features.

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Zoho CRM Transcript
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21 min readReviewed on: 08/01/2023
Title: Head of Growth
Organization Type: Specialty Practice
Specialty: Behavioral Health
  • Product Usage: The company uses Zoho to manage various workflows related to clients and employees such as record management, documentation management, and therapy scheduling.

  • Strengths: The review highlights Zohos range of functionalities, easy automation setup, useful analytics, and straightforward workflow management.

  • Weaknesses: The reviewer was concerned about potential limitations and glitches in workflow automation, and uncertainties about Zohos ability to support their growth.

  • Overall Judgment: The reviewer feels that Zoho offers great value for its price, and strikes a balance between lightweight task management solutions and costly, heavy-duty platforms.

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Healthie Transcript
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17 min readReviewed on: 07/26/2023
Title: Head of Product
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Metabolic Health, Cardiology
  • Product Usage: Healthie is used for telemedicine consultations, patient intake forms, scheduling, managing appointments, chart notes, task management and storing lab results.

  • Strengths: Healthie is cost-effective, user-friendly, has useful patient-related features, and the team is open to discussing changes.

  • Weaknesses: The platform is buggy, has poor role-based access control, lacks proper two-way sync with Dosespot and Change Healthcare for labs, and the clinician experience is not optimal.

  • Overall Judgment: Healthie is an effective tool for handling non-clinical workflow management but falls short in delivering a seamless and functional provider experience, making it less ideal for scaling operations.

Acuity Scheduling Transcript
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22 min readReviewed on: 07/19/2023
Title: CTO
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Pediatrics, Behavioral Health
  • Product Usage: Acuitys functionality was used primarily for scheduling medical appointments, providing a range of pre-built features and functionalities that could cater to different situations.

  • Strengths: Acuity was praised for its reliable API, the flexibility of the platform in terms of how customer interactions could be managed along with being affordable and offering solid, well-documented, and stable integrations.

  • Weaknesses: Limitations arose as company requirements became more complex, including controlling clinicians’ schedules, establishing group appointments, handling provider licensure, and at times, there were challenges with the Zoom integration. Steep jumps in costs, particularly related to licenses, also presented issues.

  • Overall Judgment: The reviewer believes choosing Acuity was the right decision in the earlier phase of the company due to its flexibility, affordability, and well-documented reliable integration, although issues arose when requirements become more complex, but he doubted the company would stick with Acuity in the long term unless a few fundamental changes are made, notably the pricing and support for specific healthcare use cases.

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Tellescope Transcript
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26 min readReviewed on: 07/19/2023
Title: VP of Product
Organization Type: Specialty Practice
Specialty: Orthopedics
  • Product Usage: Tellescope provides a comprehensive care management system suitable for highly interactive patient care with multimodal communication options like SMS, phone, and email.

  • Strengths: Tellescope quickly and effectively implements new features, offers strong capability in reporting, patient communication, team communication, forms and ticketing, and features a good API that integrates well with other systems.

  • Weaknesses: The user interface requires improvement and tends to lag in customizing for specific brand alignment. The platform could benefit from improvements in automations and batch processes, along with better rendering for content management.

  • Overall Judgment: Tellescope effectively fills a niche in the digital health care management market with a well-designed and user-friendly service that adapts well to changing user needs. The product offers latitude for growth, with robust functionality and customization options.

Kustomer Transcript
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26 min readReviewed on: 07/18/2023
Title: Head of Clinical Operations
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Metabolic Health
  • Product Usage: Kustomer was used as a hub for all patient communications, with teams from coaching, customer support, and care operations all interfacing with the product.

  • Strengths: Kustomers programmable and modular design allows for easy creation and customization of workflows; data structures are well-designed and beneficial for consumer-focused companies.

  • Weaknesses: Kustomers access control is limited, allowing all users to view every patient conversation; there is a difficulty running care operations with Kustomer and a lack of tailored permissions makes it less suited for healthcare.

  • Overall Judgment: While Kustomer provided good automated workflow features and robust customer profiling, its lack of healthcare-specific features made it less than ideal; necessary manual data transfers and constant adjustments made use difficult.

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Iterable Transcript
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13 min readReviewed on: 07/07/2023
Title: Head of Product
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Physical Therapy, Women's Health
  • Product Usage: The reviewer uses the product for marketing and transactional communications, automating these processes throughout the customer lifecycle.

  • Strengths: The product is user-friendly, versatile, and allows for thorough customization of messaging and workflow creation.

  • Weaknesses: The integration process took longer than anticipated, primarily due to resource restraints at the beginning of the project.

  • Overall Judgment: The reviewer speaks highly of the product and predicts continued usage due to the customizable features and reliable functionality. Its particularly recommended to those with adequate resources to tackle a robust integration process.

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Healthie Transcript
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24 min readReviewed on: 06/27/2023
Title: Co-Founder
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Chronic Care, Behavioral Health
  • Product Usage: Healthie is used by providers for patient treatment and charting, by patient coordinators for scheduling and following up with patients, and by the tech team for developing a client-facing app.

  • Strengths: Healthie enables seamless communication between providers and patients, facilitates group-based experiences, and is described as stable and reliable.

  • Weaknesses: Healthie lacks CRM functionality and has shortcomings in client-facing functionality and form-building.

  • Overall Judgment: Though there is room for improvement, particularly in client reporting, Healthie is deemed a solid solution that effectively unifies a variety of functions that the organization will continue to use.

Healthie Transcript
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25 min readReviewed on: 06/22/2023
Title: Head of Product
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Chronic Care
  • Product Usage: Both patients and providers use Healthie, with patients handling messaging, care plans, and scheduling and providers dealing with scheduling, billing, and setting up care plans and programs.

  • Strengths: Healthies interface is intuitive for both patients and providers, allowing easy navigation and seamless scheduling, and the personalization feature enables the creation of specific educational programs, care plans, and goals for patients.

  • Weaknesses: The customization of preset default settings in Healthie is somewhat limited, sometimes requiring requests for adjustments, and flexible reporting options are restricted.

  • Overall Judgment: Despite limitations in customization and reporting, Healthie is favored for its intuitive navigation, seamless scheduling, and capability for care plan customization. It has proven to be a reliable infrastructure for clinical operations and the likelihood of continuing to use it remains high.

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OneSignal Transcript
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21 min readReviewed on: 06/22/2023
Title: Head of Product
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Metabolic Health
  • Product Usage: The reviewer uses OneSignal to enable their operations team to build custom flows for email campaigns and provide consolidated reporting for SMS and email.

  • Strengths: OneSignals strengths lie in its Journeys feature and analytics, allowing for custom flows with event triggers and providing comprehensive and easy-to-read analytical data.

  • Weaknesses: Current weaknesses consist of a bug in OneSignals SMS SDK, causing issues in setting up user journeys for SMS.

  • Overall Judgment: Despite the bug issue, the likelihood of continuing to use OneSignal in the next 18-24 months is very high due to its comprehensive features and ability to handle scalability.

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Healthie Transcript
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47 min readReviewed on: 06/20/2023
Title: Head of Product
Organization Type: Virtual-First Provider
Specialty: Pulmonology
  • Product Usage: This respiratory care management company uses Healthie for their coaching interface, continuity tracking, and connectivity to their mobile apps.

  • Strengths: Healthies flexibility and willingness to integrate with other platforms such as Zus and Awell were highlighted. Its ability to provide an out-of-the-box clinician interface was commended. They also praised the systems continuous improvements in developer support and documentation.

  • Weaknesses: Some challenges were noted with Healthies interface regarding the amount of clicks required for common actions, practice management and reporting, and lack of ease in transferring data from staging to production. Healthies inability to automate the summarizing of patient information was also seen as a drawback.

  • Overall Judgement: Despite some issues regarding report generation and practice management, Healthie was largely viewed as a robust and versatile platform that contributes significantly to the companys operations.